Fix your own car

Author: JRAutofix  Date Posted:22 January 2020 

Fix your car to avoid costly repair.

Diy car maintenanceFixing your car yourself has many benefits, it will save you time and money also that will allow you to learn about your car.

In fact the best way to start is to learn the basic maintenance tasks that will help you prevent complete breakdown and provide bigger saving and hassle .

The 8 most important task to perform are:

- Liquids level checks and replacement: engine oil, coolant level, brake fluide level.
  Engine oil should be replaced every 10,000 Km as well as oil filter.
  Coolant always use manufacturer coolant do not add water, coolant is design to avoid internal corrosion    of your engine and radiator.
  Brake fluid can be tested with a testing device to know moisture level also check for cleaness.


fix your car


- Tyres is the 2nd most important area of you car to check as your safety depend greatly of it. Doing tyre      maintenance checks will help you save as if you can pick up 
  early that some tyres are wearing on one side the quicker you can address the problem and keep you        tyre for longer.
  Other check to perform is that your tyres have the correct pressure, this is important for your driving            confort, reduce tyre wear and reduce fuel consumption. 

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- Battery and charging circuit, the battery is a vital part of your car and unfortunatly they only last a 3 to 5      years if everything is OK and the maintenance is performed as it should.
  But other things can happen depending on how do you use your car. So it's good to check the                    connection are tight and cleaned, water level or indicator is green.
  Electrical checks includ Voltage check (12.5 V), load test, voltage check engine running (14 Volts) to          cofirm that your alternator is charging. 


fix your battery

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- Engine Timing belt, the engine timing belt is basically a rubber belt which controls the timing and motion of your entire engine. It is no wonder then that this eventually wears out and must be replaced.

  The bad news is that this task is more complex to do and take more time depending on the car, it's a tedious task due the number of parts which rely on the timing belt. In most cases, the side of the engine must be almost completely pulled apart to replace the timing belt.

  Each car will have a different timing belt maintenance schedule; however the average is to change it at around every 80,000 km or less. It is very important that you adhere to this routine as a snapped timing belt can spell the end of your engine.

  It is not recommended to change your timing belt yourself; however this car maintenance tip is vital so I      felt I should mention it here.


- Headlights and bulbs, check all you car lights they are important for your safety and to avoid a fine.

- Brakes, monitor your brake depending on how much you use them their wear will differ but if you leave      them too long you might create more damage.
  Not too difficult to see normally through the wheel. 


fix your car

- Air filter, normally quite accessible it's important to clean it often and replace as per manufacturer                requirement.
  The benefit of this tip is it will improve your fuel consumption.


fix your car

All these checks are worth to learn as they will save you money time and your car will last longer.They might require you to purchase a few tools but much worth if you use them for your relative's car.


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